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Welcome to LaSirena Network rules page!
Click on the tabs above to see the different sections of the rules.

Discrord Server Rules

  1. Be Respectful: Treat others with kindness and respect. Harassment, discrimination, or offensive language is not allowed.
  2. No Spamming: Avoid excessive messaging, emojis, or repeated messages. Keep discussions meaningful and on-topic.
  3. No NSFW Content: Keep all content and discussions within the server appropriate for all ages. This includes text, images, links, and any other media.
  4. Use Appropriate Channels: Post content in the relevant channels. Off-topic discussions should be kept to designated areas.
  5. No Advertising Without Permission: Do not promote other Discord servers, products, or services without approval from server administrators.
  6. Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information about yourself or others without consent.
  7. Follow Discord's Terms of Service: Abide by Discord's community guidelines and terms of service at all times.
  8. Listen to Moderators: Follow instructions from server moderators and administrators. They are here to ensure a positive environment.
  9. No Trolling or Flaming: Avoid intentionally provoking or harassing others. Constructive criticism is encouraged, but be respectful.
  10. Report Issues: If you encounter problems or rule violations, report them to the server moderators or administrators promptly.

Breaking these rules may result in warnings, temporary mutes, or removal from the server depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. Enjoy your time in the Discord community!

Welcome to our community! These rules are designed to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players. Violating any rule may result in warnings and appropriate penalties. We encourage honesty; admitting mistakes may lead to lighter penalties.

Warnings and Penalties:

  • 1st Warning: Warning issued for the rule broken, light jail time.
  • 2nd Warning: Temporary ban or jail time depending on severity and context.
  • 3rd Warning: Long term jail time or permanent ban.


  1. No AFK Farming: Using automated or AFK methods to farm resources or gain rewards is prohibited.
  2. No Advertising Websites or Products: Promoting external websites, products, or services not related to the game is prohibited.
  3. No Alt Accounts: Using multiple accounts without authorization is not allowed.
  4. No Claim Camping: While PvP is allowed outside claims, camping near them is prohibited.
  5. No Contraband Usage: Using items or benefits obtained through prohibited means is not allowed.
  6. No Discrimination: Discriminatory language or actions based on race, gender, religion, nationality, etc., are not allowed.
  7. No Elytra Border Jumping: Using elytra or other means to bypass or scale borders of designated game areas is prohibited.
  8. No Bug Exploitation: Exploiting known or unknown bugs for personal gain is not allowed.
  9. No Griefing Claims: Do not interfere with others' claims or deceive players about land ownership.
  10. No Griefing Near Claims: Activities like creating structures that obstruct or harass others near their claims are prohibited.
  11. No Harassment: Do not harass other players, which includes actions that prevent them from playing.
  12. No Impersonation: Do not impersonate admins, builders, or any staff.
  13. No Lag Machines: Do not build devices that cause server lag.
  14. No Malicious Content: Spreading harmful content such as viruses or adult material is strictly prohibited.
  15. No Misleading Admins: Providing false information or misleading admins is prohibited.
  16. No Offensive Builds: Constructing offensive or inappropriate structures, symbols, or artworks is prohibited.
  17. No Player Traps: Constructing traps designed to harm or inconvenience players is prohibited.
  18. No Scamming: Deceptive practices to obtain others' possessions are prohibited.
  19. No Server Advertising: Promoting other servers is not allowed.
  20. No Spamming: Excessive messaging or repeated actions that disrupt chat are not allowed.
  21. No Spawn Camping: Engaging in combat or harassment immediately outside spawn areas or safe zones is not allowed.
  22. No TP Killing: Teleporting players with the intent to kill them is not allowed.
  23. No Unfair Mods or Third-Party Software: Mods, hacks, or external tools that provide unfair advantages are prohibited.
  24. No Wilderness Griefing: Disruptive actions in the wilderness (e.g., cobblestone towers, 1x1 holes) are not allowed.
  25. Respect Boundaries: Joking is allowed within limits. Know the boundaries.
  26. Respect Chat Rules: Follow guidelines for language, tone, and content in global or local chat channels.
  27. Respect Staff: Follow instructions given by admins or moderators; disrespectful behavior towards staff members is not tolerated.
  28. No Disruptive Noise: Using sound emitters or devices that produce disruptive noise or spam sounds in-game is not allowed.
  29. No Player Hacking Allegations: Making false accusations of hacking or cheating against other players without solid evidence is prohibited.
  30. No Spreading False or Sensitive Info: Sharing false or sensitive information (e.g., duping methods) is not allowed.